>>Supposedly full length edition of the shows with the music will be >>released later this year. Kevin - where did you read this?I'd love to believe it's true, but it makes no sense that they'd float a truncated version out and then piss off the core audience by doing that. (Wait a minute...I forgot they do it all the time...never mind). I'm really on the fence - I'd hate to see the series NOT get released because not enough people buy the stripped version, but if enough people buy the bad version, why would they make the effort ($) to release a more expensive complete one? And to Stewart's point (sans the guilt, thanks) if this version tanks, would they pull the full version? Hard to believe that any TV on DVD is seen as a risk these days - my god, they're selling some incredibly lame stuff. But then I see Barney Miller stop at one season, Hill Street Blues at four and I wonder. And speaking of "I wonder"...I'm glad Crime Story got their two seasons out before the beancounters woke up! b