Hey guys! Been a while since I've done a blatant plug for popboomerang releases - Here are a few I think will be of interest to some of you! You can snare them at your fave mailorder store like notlame, cd baby, koolkat & jam & also popboomerang.com PB 036: Grand Atlantic: This Is Grand Atlantic There's a wonderful thing that happens when a band steps out from the shadows of their influences and confidently asserts their own sound, their own thoughts and their own reason for being - people listen and take note. And so it is for Brisbane's Grand Atlantic - a coming of age, a sublime arrival, a statement of intent that brooks no argument. Those shadows of The Beatles, The Beach Boys and Big Star chase each other around some of the most sublimely-crafted pop music you'll ever hear . www.myspace.com/grandatlantic PB 034: The Wellingtons: For Friends In Far Away Places With their second album The Wellingtons have continued on with their mission statement to write direct, hook-filled, upbeat pop songs. Taking cues from power pop greats like Cheap Trick, The Posies, Elvis Costello, and Weezer, the Wellingtons write energetic melodies that bounce out of your stereo and put a smile on your face. www.myspace.com/thewellingtonsmusic PB 035: Splurge: The Cure For The Cure Musically the record has echoes of The Go Betweens & The Church. An immensely mature outing that is filled with 11 perfect songs, all extremely well written with a careaful eye to not only detail, but the emotional current running underneath every note and lyric. www.myspace.com/splurgemusic also available on import from popboomerang.com PB 037: The Steinbecks: Far From The Madding Crowd New album from The Meadow's brothers - Musically the record has echoes of Nick Drake, Lloyd Cole, My Morning Jacket & The Chills and Big Star www.myspace.com/steinbecks Coming soon: PB 030 Let's Go: The Best Of Splitsville www.myspace.com/splitsville