At Date: Fri, 4 May 2007 13:35:04 Richard Brown wrote: >Second Choice: Boston > >I loved the first two albums. I really liked "Third >Stage". When I bought the fourth album (which I was >very surprised to find was sans Brad Delp only after I >opened it)...I played it one awful time and never >played it again. I listened to the fifth album in the >record store and it was even worse. Well...aside from the decades-long gaps between albums to create such middling, mediocre sludge, Boston's kryptonite was the very thing that Tom Scholz spent countless interviews chest-beating over: no synths or mechanical recording equipment on any of the albums. He went from proudly trumpeting the band's organic sound on record to becoming this stodgy old analog fart whose releases became more and more dated sounding the farther away from 2" tape the industry got. We get it, Tom. You don't like drum machines and prefer a B3 over a DX7. Now, how about writing some good songs to show off the format? Man, if Kravitz can do it, why can't you? >How about key member of bands that have less then >stellar solo careers? No piling on Eric Carmen.... Burton Cummings. He had saved up a bunch of MOR grandma grabbing chart busters from the last vestiges of the Guess Who days and rode that for three great albums. Then, like McCartney, Clapton, Elton and others from the '60s couldn't navigate his way out of the '70s without becoming a caricature of his former playboy self. He managed to redeem himself by taking the hit-making version of Guess Who back out on the road from 1999 to 2004...performing every hit and hitting every note. Now he and Bachman have a vaudeville version of their former selves out there with the splendiferous Carpet Frogs trying to keep alive on the revival circuit. C'mon boys....last stop Casino Town! Jaimie Vernon, President, Bullseye Records SWAG: BULLSEYE LIVE 365 RADIO: Author, Canadian Pop Music Encyclopedia _________________________________________________________________ Check Out Our List Of Trendy Restaurants. You'll Eat It Up!!378