When you love a band and the greatest hits CD comes out, you probably hate that some songs are on it instead of others. The point for me has always been that the "greatest hits" aren't necessarily the "best of." In some cases those two playlists might vary significantly. So I got to wondering - what bands out there, if you did a greatest hits and a best of, would have the least overlap between the two? (And yeah, I know, how do we judge "best"? But let's pretend for a moment...) I might nominate Queen - a lot of what I thought was their most brilliant work never even got released as a single (much to Brian May's detriment, I think) let alone became a best seller. My U2 best of would take issues with the greatest hits list, and the same for The Police and REM, I suspect.... -- _______________________ Sam Smith [TABLE NOT SHOWN]