Responding to a couple of things: 1) David Bash, we talked about your dearth of IPO-related Audities postings a few months ago -- I, for one, am gladder than glad that you'll be posting again. Say what you will, but IPO remains the absolute best source of new melody-based pop-rock-n-roll on the planet. And I hope to participate this year in some fashion!!! 2) Lee Elliott wrote: >>I woundn't wanna roadie for John Lord.<< Amen! I play with a prog-rock keyboardist who insists on bringing both his Mellotron and Leslie cabinet to every single gig and rehearsal. Guess who gets to lift the damned things? LOL. 3) Hersh Foreman wrote: >>Second Wind is underrated...<< You mentioned "If I have to be Alone" -- incredible song! I can't even count the damn thing (what time sig are those verses in?) but it doesn't even matter, because the FEEL is so incredible and natural. I've gotta dig this out tonight (along with the SuperBong(tm)) and have another listen. Cough, cough. 4) I 'discovered' the music of Mike Keneally around the Year of Our Lord 2000 or thereabouts; that'd put me in my late thirties around the time. I was absolutely captivated by his music much like I'd been by the Beatles or Carpenters or Steely Dan or any number of bands I'd fallen in love with during my misspent youth. I spent the next year trying to assimilate Keneally's catalog and I've never looked back. The same thing happened when I 'discovered' XTC back in early 90's -- utter captivation followed by a period of complete immersion in the back catalog. Ditto Transatlantic, Spock's Beard, Jason Falkner... My point is that, for me personally, I still -- from time to time -- discover artists that move me deeply, rekindling that delightful spark of discovery and JOY that accompanies such events. The emotions are identical to those I experienced when discovering a new artist in my 'formative' musical years. I dread the day when music fails to charm, captivate or interest me; every few years I'll wonder "is this it for me?" but, luckily, with some digging, I've always been able to find something mindblowing to keep me going. kErrY __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around