--- In audities@yahoogroups.com, Hersh Forman wrote: > > A good perspective Marty. Perhaps I never gave them the proper chance. But with so many great indie performers and bands that I'll never get the time to check out I wonder if I'll ever feel nostalgic enough to give them their due. > A few thoughts.... I don't think one has to feel nostalgic or be living in the past, as has been suggested, to enjoy a band from any era. Isn't a great song, like film, literature or art sometimes (and maybe even often) timeless? I didn't think much of the Beach Boys years ago based on my limited experience with their music. I thought it was all "fun,fun,fun"..(not slagging the song mind you). But there are many great songs to be found that might stretch one's perceptions based on what was played on the radio. As Marty said, "Sunflower" does make an idea starting point to this fact. Again, it may still not grab you but it just might. Steve D