Drew regarding "Mexican Radio" said -Why THIS song as the bat trapped in my personal attic? I'll never know. @@@@@ That's what I'm talking about! At least I learned I'm not the only one "haunted" by songs that seem to have chosen me. Well, I feel better knowing I'm not the only one. Next question. Do you know of any medications for this? :) William Rabeneck wrote: > > Hi Steve, > > I actually have two different sets of songs: 1) Songs that bubble up and pop into my mind; 2) songs that bubble up into my mind and I sing them. snip-- And like I say, I think a big part of the reason that I sing them is that they fit my vocal range well, because there are other songs, like the three above in my first group, that will pop up in my mind, but I don't bother to sing them, because I think I know subconciously even, that I can't really pull them off well. Hey, William, Thanks for your thoughts. Man, all I can say is you've got better impulse control then I do! My family members would surely envy yours! :) You make an interesting distinction. I bet these repeat offender songs are bubbling up in part per my subconsious knows it's within my limited vocal range. Hey, Drew, if it were smarter I should be singing "Mexican Radio" instead! :) Or perhaps it's negative reinforcement recalling what it was like the last time I tried to pull off a Freddy Mercury moment? hmmm.... For me I bet it's also psychological/emotional connections to the songs and singers when I first was into them (Elvis Presley I was 5 years old and first exploring music in a new way thanks to my brother; Elvis Costello college years and all that entailed in it's richness musically and otherwise). I bet the lyrical content having some meaning in each song too. However, with "no room to rhuma in a sports car"...well, I may need to go back into analysis for that one! Steve "who falsely claimed he'd spare you the details" D