Up until the Beach Boys 2-fers were released in 1990, I was strictly an "Endless Summer" fan. I had a best of from the 70's and 80's, plus "Pet Sounds" as a teen. Frankly, I didn't like PS then, though through the years I grew to love it. I started collecting the 2fers as they were released. Even if you hate the surf-era Boys, you have to admit their output was astonishing. Their first album, "Surfin' Safari" was relased on 10/29/1962. Including SS, they released 4 albums in the next year and 10 albums by November of 1965! Pretty amazing considering the Brian was essentially John, Paul and George Martin all rolled into one. Is there some chaff on those early albums (up until "Today")? Sure! But there is some great stuff too. They were still playing most of their own instruments at that point, so were essentially a garage band with awesome vocals. And they were incredibly young. Carl Wilson was only 14 when they recorded their first single....and was still only 19 when he did his lead vocal for "God Only Knows" (which was only his second solo lead vocal!). Incredible. Anyway...if you don't like the classic BB surf sound, I agree with the person who suggested "Sunflower". A great album with some awesome songs written by each of the boys. Dennis, in particular, contributed four fine songs. I also suggest "20/20", "Carl and the Passions" and for some supreme weirdness, "Love You". In my opinion everything after "Love You" is extremely spotty ...though the "LA Light Album" has some great Dennis songs and their last great single (IMHO), "Good Timin' ". Rich B __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com