At Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2007 11:28:44 Alan wrote: >The reason us "cats" (how I love that word) yearn for the golden age is >because we think it was a >better age than any that has come along since, >musically speaking. Sorry, but I do think songs >written in the sixties and >seventies are better than those being written today. I won't apologize >for >smiling and feeling all goosepimply when I hear a song performed in the >style of "been there, >heard that." And my father believes the best music was written in the 1940's and 1950s....and my grandmother believes it was in the '20's and '30s. Every generation is merely swinging off the song structures of the masters who came before. Is "Yesterday" *really* a better song than "Blue Moon"? Is "Summer In The City" really better than Robert Johnson's "Crossroads"? >And as for our kids getting over "it," well, a lot of the kids I know would >rather listen to music from >the "golden age" than just about anything >else. And I bet it's because that's the music you're feeding them. I think it's doing our kids and music in general a disservice by having it chasing its own tail. Where does music go in the next generation when OUR children are stuck listening to the music of our parents before us? That makes US the last generation of great music doesn't it? Personally, I see a HUGE revolution on the the one that inspired the Pistols, The Clash and The Ramones to say bullocks to the current generation's corporate definition of music. Let's hope our kids get fed up being handed down a previous generation's musical leftovers. Time to stir the pot and have a little musical anarchy. It's always a good way to clean the audio palette. >But this is all just what I like and what you like, isn't it? To quote >Randy Newman, "It's a wonderful >world." No.....I *like* the same music you do (most of the time)....but LIVING there is not something I ascribe to. It's called the PAST for a reason. Jaimie Vernon, President, Bullseye Records SWAG: BULLSEYE LIVE 365 RADIO: Author, Canadian Pop Music Encyclopedia _________________________________________________________________ Don’t waste time standing in line—try shopping online. Visit Sympatico / MSN Shopping today!