Jaimie wrote: > > There are STILL great songs being written....but after you've had 40 years > of every formulaic turn imaginable, it becomes a case of "been there, heard > that". Anyone making music in the last 15 to 20 years hasn't stood a chance > because you '60s geezers want to backwards engineer everything you hear. > Music is both cyclical and evolutionary. When it's cyclical it's > predictable, safe and boring...when it's evolutionary it causes discention, > rifts and has a tendency to leave you "cats" yearning for the golden age. > Get over it. Our children have. > The reason us "cats" (how I love that word) yearn for the golden age is because we think it was a better age than any that has come along since, musically speaking. Sorry, but I do think songs written in the sixties and seventies are better than those being written today. I won't apologize for smiling and feeling all goosepimply when I hear a song performed in the style of "been there, heard that." And as for our kids getting over "it," well, a lot of the kids I know would rather listen to music from the "golden age" than just about anything else. But this is all just what I like and what you like, isn't it? To quote Randy Newman, "It's a wonderful world." Alan http://www.purepopradio.com http://www.buhdge.com