At Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2007 10:25:34 Alan wrote: >There is a perception that those of us who grew up in the sixties "know >better" when it comes to music than folks who grew up in any succeeding >decade. I guess that's because us sixties cats think we grew up in a time >where songs were songs written by professional songwriters who knew how to >structure a tune. > >Well, I think there's a good measure of truth to this. And please don't >call me an aging whiner--I really believe that songs in general were better >written, arranged and performed in the sixties and into the seventies (but >not when it comes to disco). There are STILL great songs being written....but after you've had 40 years of every formulaic turn imaginable, it becomes a case of "been there, heard that". Anyone making music in the last 15 to 20 years hasn't stood a chance because you '60s geezers want to backwards engineer everything you hear. Music is both cyclical and evolutionary. When it's cyclical it's predictable, safe and boring...when it's evolutionary it causes discention, rifts and has a tendency to leave you "cats" yearning for the golden age. Get over it. Our children have. >And speaking of other things, there is a tendency for some people to come >out and tear apart >new music by McCartney, sometimes even before they've >heard it. I'll listen first and reserve my >judgment for after taking the >record for a couple of spins. I always give McCartney a fare shake....and he, in turn, never fails to disappoint. It's a working relationship we've got. >The new song is great, an instant favorite. Whether the new album will also >be great is another >thing. I hope it is. Actually, I quite like it too and re-affirms what *I've* always believed about McCartney. He writes phenomenal hit singles. He blows at writing great albums. >If I ever meet Macca, I just know the only things that will be going >through my head are: 1, Macca >is God; 2, Hey, it's one of the Beatles; 3, >I'll never wash this hand, and 4, I'll never wash the other >hand either, >just in case he touched it too. Oh, and 5, all of the above. If I ever meet McCartney the one thing I'll ask him is: "Biker Like An Icon. WTF were you thinking?" Jaimie Vernon, President, Bullseye Records SWAG: BULLSEYE LIVE 365 RADIO: Author, Canadian Pop Music Encyclopedia _________________________________________________________________ RealLiveMoms: Share your experience with Real Live Moms just like you