Been digging the new McCartney song for the last week and been playing it on the air at work. I like it. Everyone I work with is enjoying it. Some of the listeners calling the request line have not been enjoying it. What's a music lover to do? The lyrics from this guy in his later years shows that he does still have it. Is he re-working a formula of his doing from "Yesterday" or "Here Today"? Maybe. Maybe not. The lyrics make perfect sense for someone of his to reflect on. Heck someone 28 years old let 48 could relate to the lyrics. The song is currently up on MOG without any comments but has been generating a number of listens in a short time span so maybe that goes back to the same result that we got at work on the studio phone lines. Who knows for sure. All I know is that this Auditier is enjoying the song and looking forward to see what else is in store on his upcoming album. Aloha, Michael McCartney KEAO FM / KONI FM / KPMW FM / KTOH FM Now Playing: "I'm Waiting For The Day" - Peanut *A great musical nugget from Billy's SOTT 14!