Hey Kerry: Personally, I think that Todd's "Second Wind" is a grossly underappreciated album, even amongst Todd people. I made this same argument on the Beyond Awizard (TR) list this week. It's mostly disliked by those that don't like what I call "Broadway Todd", when the Gilbert & Sullivan songwriting urge bites him in the ass. In my world, some of the stuff on Second Wind is amongst his best, starting with "Change Myself" and even including some of the "Broadway" stuff from "Up Against It", not the least of which is one of my favourite TR tunes, the emotionally charged "If I Have To Be Alone". You mileage can and will vary. ----- Original Message ---- From: Kerry Kompost To: audities@smoe.org Sent: Friday, April 27, 2007 5:53:54 PM Subject: Re: Cheesy Synth Patch Jaimie Vernon wrote: > ...but rather that annoying > Hammond keyboard sound. > Nothing says "dated" like a > cheesy keyboard Reminds me of the time I played Todd Rundgren's "Second Wind" for a friend, and all he could say was "Listen to that cheesy synth patch." Nevermind that this dude could never hope to play this music, let alone compose it; no, instead, he reduces some absolutely fantastic songwriting to the choice of an effect. How revealing. Nothing personal, Jaimie, but I harbor absolute disdain for musicians who condemn compositions because of the instrumentation. It's like not seeing the forest for the trees. kErrY www.myspace.com/kompost P.S. ANYTHING by Shaw/Blades RULES! Great songwriting and stellar vocals/harmonies. __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com