David, As one of the prime offenders (making stupid comments about lineups, etc.), I assure you that we are very interested in IPO. You should know that about me -- I was at almost all of the San Francisco shows last year. It's a lot easier to make a stupid comment than craft a well thought out review of a show. I'm a little sensitive as well, particularly about my ability to describe bands in writing. Yikes, there's a lot of talented writers on this list. I am often humbled by the musical knowledge expressed in posts. I learn quite a bit every day. I'll just say to everyone that you can't go wrong at an IPO show. Any IPO show. They're usually about $10 for about 8 bands. I've been to about 30 shows in SF and LA over the years, and I've never been disappointed, whether I knew 8 of the bands or none of them. July always makes me think of IPO, but I'd love to hear about upcoming IPO's in other cities, as I have no idea what time of year each is. I can't guarantee I'll attend any of them, but it's much more likely if you post about them on audities. Thanks for all of your hard work to bring IPO to the people. IPO Rules!!! - Damian ----------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2007 23:16:43 -0500 From: "David Bash" To: Subject: Re: IPO Midwest Message-ID: <023901c787b9$b43f5f20$660fa8c0@ibmf423343k8hg> Hi Everyone, I was really dismayed when I read this post because I realized that it was my error in judgment that caused Steve to miss out on the news. As some of you who have been a member of this list may have realized, I haven't posted about an IPO show in about a year. I used to post before every IPO show with news about the schedule, etc..., but over the years I started to sense an ever increasing apathy, possibly due to newer members who weren't familiar or weren't interested, or to long-standing members who no longer cared. I'm a sensitive person, and it hurt me when I would either get no response to my posts, or would get a joke response to one of the show's lineups (thankfully, not having to do with the quality of the bands, but maybe some pattern in the band names...). Anyway, I need to remember that when it comes to IPO I'm supposed to be first and foremost a festival promoter, and I forgot that, and I let my emotions get the better of me. Also, I assumed that anyone on the list who did have an interest in IPO would check the website and/or myspace page without my having to prompt them. I was wrong, and Steve, I do apologize for that, and I apologize to any Auditeer who has missed my posts. I will resume posting about IPO. Hopefully some of you unfamiliar with the festival will check it out. I'm sure you'd be glad you did. -- Pop Rules!!!!! Take Care, David (who is actually posting this from an actual IPO Chicago show) www.internationalpopoverthrow.com www.myspace.com/internationalpopoverthrow ------------------------------ _________________________________________________________________ Get a FREE Web site, company branded e-mail and more from Microsoft Office Live! http://clk.atdmt.com/MRT/go/mcrssaub0050001411mrt/direct/01/