Sorry - Late to the party...But when I see multiple digests coming in a day, I have to see what's up - I'm just glad no one died. The Beatles just stole everything from Motown / Soul and made it ok for white kids to like it...The same way bands we love on this list steal from the Beatles catalog (AND other souces). If The Beatles didn't do it, someone else would've - The timing was everything. The Beatles would never have been what they were without John - Paul would've had them writing Broadway Musicals...or at least covering more of that sort of tripe ("Till There Was You"). So the fact that Macca is receiving this sort of reverence just for being in The Beatles is kind of perplexing. His post-Wings solo work is pretty much proof of what a hack he has become. Ok - Truth be told, *some* of that was playing the Devil's Advocate. I personally would take Elvis Costello's post-Attractions work over Paul's post-Wings work anyday. I'm sure many/most don't agree with me. It seems a fair comparison though - I think they've followed similar paths or muses. Now, if this discussion was about Lennon, I might tend to agree more...but there are a big-heaping-handful of artist more deserving of this adulation than McCartney. Someone already mentioned Ray Davies for one. Dan FrankE (Born with The Beatles in 1963 - Educated by The Clash - Still listening to the music that "the kids" like) __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around