>Paul McCartney will never make music as "good" as the stuff he did in 1965, not >because he's lost his muse, but because IT'S NOT 1965! I was reading a Pete Townshend interview where he was talking about the old stuff being better - which he freely admits it is. He says he gets bummed trying to write a song people will like and talked about the effort involved now that he's older - where everything sounds the same as something he's already done or just plain not good. Also commenting about when he was young and he could just sit down with the guitar and these (now timeless) riffs would pop out of nowhere seemingly without effort. Be prolific when you are young I say! 2 albums a year while you still got it - maybe you can build a legacy that compares to the greats. Another thing I read here or somewhere else - Cheap Trick were basically touring off the songs from the first three albums before they were signed. He would have had a big break before he had to really woodshed again - and it showed. Of course these anecdote's accuracy involve trusting my memory - which I don't much anymore. Never let facts get in the way of a good story! That being said - when a band I love from the get-go hits their stride around the third or fourth album - I always cross my fingers and hope for 5 or 6 or 7 - but it's pretty rare. I'm going way off topic my own off topic post - but I have a personal soft spot for bands with a great first album - then an awesome sophmore jinx disaster - the a big redeemer after they smarten up. So that's all just because I felt bad for Pete - trying to make music in his golden years and knowing he wasn't doing a very good job. He could quit I guess - but maybe he hates golf. -- Lee Elliott