.... putting spoon away .......... Well said, and I could not agree more. Are we really going to place FOW and Supergrass -collectively or any other ways in the same class as the Beatles? Or any other band for that matter? C'mon, they are the friggin template for crying out loud. This list would not exist had the Beatles not contributed. IMO. OK, as far as main-stream pop goes for the 60's, you have Sgt,. Pepper & Pet Sounds as the two "God -like" albums to propel popular music. Sure, it can be said that many good things have come from many good and "influenced bands" that we all love to hear, but the simple fact is -these two records are the template, are the benchmark and they have not been rivaled since. Who? Who has bettered these albums? Who? You can't, it's not possible-because THEY created the master formula by which all pop music WE here on the list listen to. Donald Fagen said : the best thing to happen to music in the past 35 years is Reggae. His opinion, but his point well made. On Thu, 26 Apr 2007 17:39:39 +0000 "Gene Good" wrote: > I may be in a minority here,but I believe "Sgt. Pepper" >to be a mind blowing album.Packaging and especially >music.Totally worked for me the day it came out and still >does.And hearing it upon release may be the ticket .I >can't really compare it to "Rubber Soul" or "Revolver".It >stands alone as a masterpiece.A natural progression for >the group. > > Gene > > >>From: "Sager, Greg" >>Reply-To: audities@smoe.org >>To: audities@smoe.org >>Subject: All Things Must Pass (or else they'll create >>intestinal blockage) >>Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2007 11:31:29 -0500 >> >> >> >> >>That's easy. *All Things Must Pass* is a much better >>album than *Sgt. >>Pepper*. *ATMP* is loaded with songs -- "Wah Wah", "My >>Sweet Lord", >>"What Is Life", "Art of Dying", "Awaiting On You All", >>etc. -- that >>equal or surpass anything that appeared on *SPLHCB*, and >>there's more of >>'em. Part of the reason behind that is because, as John >>Micek and >>countless other demythologists have pointed out in recent >>years, >>*SPLHCB* is a thoroughly overrated album that's lacking >>in strong songs. >>The greatness of *Sgt. Pepper* lies in its groundbreaking >>graphic >>presentation (cover art, printed lyrics), eclecticism, >>and sheer ability >>to transform the pop-culture zeitgeist rather than in the >>music itself >>-- and the music should be the starting point and the end >>point of how >>any album or song is judged. >> >>*ATMP* has its share of filler, and the jam session that >>makes up the >>last quarter or third of the album is a self-indulgent >>waste, but as a >>collection of songs it easily outstrips *SPLHCB*. >> >> >>Greg Sager > > _________________________________________________________________ > Need a break? Find your escape route with Live Search >Maps. >http://maps.live.com/default.aspx?ss=Restaurants~Hotels~Amusement%20Park&cp=33.832922~-117.915659&style=r&lvl=13&tilt=-90&dir=0&alt=-1000&scene=1118863&encType=1&FORM=MGAC01 >