Am I the only one who yawns when I see another Macca thread pop up on Audities? I don't deny his past or influence on everything that's come since (as a Beatle, that is) but I'm one of those who thinks his solo career has had way more misses than hits (pun intended). ----- Original Message ---- From: bob To: Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2007 10:09:36 PM Subject: Re: McCartney is God Get over it This is soooo weird. I'm as big a Beatle fan as anyone out there, but, seriously...this is the most schoolgirl silly thread I've ever seen on this list, and there have been plenty. Neither Lennon, nor McCartney ever came close to their height when each goaded the other to heights as writers they could never could have reached seperately. You can fight amongst yourselfs as to how much they influenced one another, just suffice it to say they did. IMHO McCartney hasn't made a decent record since Ram, and Lennon NEVER wrote or recorded anything that came close to his best work as a Beatle. There is SO much great new stuff out there, that I cannot for the life of me, figure out why soooo many of you live in the past. don Henley, James Taylor, and a whole bunch of other guys have been writing as good if not better music for decades. There are NEW artists out there that have not only built on the British Invasion, but have contributed new, different, and unique voices of thei own to the canon of "Great" records/pop songs. There are new, Canadian Artists that come across my desk every singe day, that make any McCartney or Lennon song sound dated, nostalgic, and not up to speed with the material comi8ng from Feist, Marianas Trench, The Trews, and dozens of others. The past is a wonderful place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there. McCartney and starbucks? A perfect marriage that should let Indie-Yuppies have their cake and eat it too... bob "The Iceman" segarini Iceberg95 SIRIUS Satellite Radio Joe Field wrote: > Marty sez: > > I also have mixed feelings about Paul. He is my all-time fave, yet it > seems that he rarely visits the rarified air anymore. I also rarely > give his disks a second listen anymore, and I may be overlooking some > great tunes. Paul has become like my golf swing -- diminishing > reward, but every now and then he connects with one which reminds me > why I can't give up. Paul is among my all-time faves, as well--- well above the other Beatles, in my view. It seems this discussion pops up on Audities every time new Paul music is released. Most agree that he's among the greatest songwriters of the last hundred years, if not more. Many believe his best days are behind him. But like you, Marty, I look forward to those flashes of brilliance because they hit a special place in my soul. It's unrealistic to think anyone working in the "popular" music business could sustain a career for more than 40 years, but that's essentially what the "Paul is Passé" posters are saying. I'd rather enjoy the stuff that really hits me the right way and know that diminishing reward is still worth the price of admission. Joe Field Free Comic Book Day is May 5th! __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around