>> Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2007 13:40:38 -0000 From: "Borislow, Gary" To: Subject: Re: McCartney was God, I'm not yet over it Message-ID: <30E402E258191A418DAAAE74CD4F956B0433A900@GS-CLUSTER2-3.gs.adinternal.co m> <> Obviously a matter of opinion, but these artists all rank higher on your list than McCartney? Somewhat surprising, considering that many of these are using a playbook that Paul wrote. The two that I, to a certain extent, agree with you on are Falkner and Eggers. And I would add Emitt Rhodes and mid-90s Robert Pollard to this list. They're all consistently great, but really they write the same song over and over again. It's a fantastic song, but still virtually the same. One significant thing about McCartney and the Beatles in the 60s is that they continuously progressed their style, yet almost without fail their songs remained supremely melodic at their core. I have yet to witness another artist or band that has been able to do this. << Gary, you're missing the point. Read back through this thread, and you'll discover that the list you've requested is for artists/songwriters who outrank McCartney *now* -- not the McCartney of the 1960s. You can't simply excise the vast bulk of McCartney's 1970-2007 catalog from this discussion as though it doesn't exist, nor can you ignore the fact that McCartney is still an active recording artist and songwriter who is presenting new work to the public. Greg Sager