AT Date: Sun, 22 Apr 2007 13:36:22 Brian wrote: >Excuse me if I state the obvious, but why don't some of the more >well-connected folks here bring collected tidbits of info like Alan >mentions >to the attention of someone in the press who can illuminate the masses? It >seems like the only way to combat this kind of crap is to stimulate some >public outcry. Another case of the public not knowing what it had until >it's gone with very little fanfare. Surely there are sympathetic ears with >reasonably long reaches. Yeah, The Barenaked Ladies tried that with the MP3 downloading problem and were dismissed by all the LEGIT music associations like CRIA, CIRPA, CMRRA, SOCAN, etc. Not to get all tin-hat and conspiracy theory, but much of the media is in the back pockets of the corporations who also own terrestrial radio because they're own by the same conglomerates....and it's in their best interest to support the restrictive Copyright Board legislation as a means to squash internet radio so that terrestrial radio can continue on with their ventilator and "continue to resuscitate at all costs" mandates. The shortsightedness of this legislation is boggling....cause when terrestrial finally loses its battle of circling the drain and internet/satellite radio becomes the norm, the legislation will have to be reformed all over again. Jaimie Vernon, President, Bullseye Records SWAG: BULLSEYE LIVE 365 RADIO: Author, Canadian Pop Music Encyclopedia _________________________________________________________________ Check Out Our List Of Trendy Restaurants. You'll Eat It Up!!378