Thanks for the explanation, Alan...this is precisely why I'm shutting down. My annual broadcasting package is expiring at the end of May, so I need to get out before the new rates plus the yearly $500 fee kick in. My station was always an expense to me and was not anything that I ever made a cent on. It was something I created because of my love of the music. I wanted others to hear it. This rate hike is unreasonable and it is highly unlikely that most of the artists I played on the station will ever see any royalties paid to them. Beyonce, Timbaland and Fergie will probably get paid, but I doubt independents like Class Three Overbite or Wiretree will ever see penny number one. Frustrating... Whit -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Alan Haber Sent: Saturday, April 21, 2007 11:29 AM To:; Subject: Re: Shutting Down As I've had to shut down my Pure Pop 24/7 stream, I know what Whit is talking about. The rates have been hiked by the Copyright Royalty Board, and they will amount to something like 140 percent over five years. The new rates went into effect earlier this week, and they are substantial--and retroactive to Jan. 1, 2006. Plus, a $500.00 yearly fee for all webcasters will be due by, I think, May 15. Live365 has a page on their site that talks about having to increase rates for webcasters. They may not do it right away, but they won't have a choice pretty soon. They'll probably try to absorb some of the extra cost, but rates are going to go up. There are appeals being filed, but most industry folks on the side of webcasters don't think they'll succeed. For info, go to There, you can read the decision handed down by a judge after webcasters pleaded for another look at the issue. The judge turned everyone down flat. Very sad. Alan -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Jaimie Vernon Sent: Saturday, April 21, 2007 11:55 AM To: Subject: Re: Shutting Down Whit, I'm confused about this. I broadcast on Live365 and my monthly fee is STILL $12.99 (as it's been since last year). How did they hit you with the increase if I might ask? Jaimie Vernon, President, Bullseye Records SWAG: BULLSEYE LIVE 365 RADIO: Author, Canadian Pop Music Encyclopedia >From: "whit" >Reply-To: >To: >Subject: Shutting Down >Date: Sat, 21 Apr 2007 10:20:50 -0500 > >Because of the Copyright Royalty Board's recent rate hikes applicable to >Internet radio, I've decided to shutdown Whitsbrain, my Internet radio >station that was being broadcast via The royalty rate hikes >are just too high and the risks financially are too great to continue on. >I'm uncertain what the fate of my website will be, but.whatever. > > > >I don't know how many of you listened or contributed your music, but if you >did, I'd like to thank you from the bottom of my music-loving heart. > > > >Whit > > > > > > (alas, no more) > > > > > _________________________________________________________________ Fine Dining & Fancy Food. Check Out This Collection Of Good Eats.!378