Gosh,Greg, you state things so eloquently.But you are so right.He announces he's only going to release i song at a time and they are different from his other stuff.So right away,you want to sample a tune to see how that change is. And isn't this going against the grain for him.Before I ever bought anything from him I think I remember going to his site and hearing a couple sound bites.He always had a couple songs from each album available to sample. >From: "Craig Leve" >Reply-To: audities@smoe.org >To: audities@smoe.org, "zoogang@cox.net" >Subject: Re: David Grahame's Dark Ages >Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2007 13:32:43 -0700 > >I have to chime in to support Gene. I usually defend the artist's choice in >how they want to market their music, but this feels very insular. Where >David loses me, is (a) for those who don't know his music, you are given >almost no means to know what you'll be getting so why bother, and (b) for >fans of his music, he makes clear the departure from his earlier work, but >gives you no way to preview where he's gone with it, without actually >paying >to just to hear it all. It would NOT be difficult to provide a song snippet >for consumers that find those kinds of things useful. This is not giving >away the milk; if it's good no one will be satisfied with a snippet. > >David has clearly chosen to shoulder more than the creative aspects of his >career. I applaud that, but I also hold him to the same expectations I hold >anyone who puts themselves in business of selling me music. I believe David >could do better by his current and (potential) future fans. However as one >of the former, I have no reservations about spending $2/song for his music >and I will. Indeed, I offer my thoughts because I truly believe MORE people >should hear, appreciate and support (including $$) David's music. > >best, > >craig > > _________________________________________________________________ Need a break? Find your escape route with Live Search Maps. http://maps.live.com/?icid=hmtag3