Yes, part of initial reaction was to the downloading .I realize I am out of step with the times.Paying $2 for a great song is really not that bad.I have no problem paying $25 for an import cd.But part of it was sour grapes about David not wanting to do a whole album.I own 5 of his cd's and there is very little filler,if any on his products.And beibg old fashioned I would like to see these new songs compiled on a cd. I do respect your taste Mark, and you say the songs are good.Who knows.Never say never.Maybe I will try one some day.My other problem is I don't have an ipod and I am not too up on burning yet.If I get on top of the technology involved I guess I can make my own cd. As far as your fee,by all means.After all you have me interested[maybe]. What do others think of these new tunes? >From: Mark Frumento >Reply-To: >To: >Subject: Re: David Grahame's Dark Ages >Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2007 11:50:43 -0700 (PDT) > >I can see both sides of the issue but I really have hard time worrying >about a couple of extra dollars for something of the quality of these >songs. They're really stunning. Very few artists are writing songs this >good these days (IMO) and given that David is running a bit of a cottage >industry (I mean that in a good way) I think $2.00 is fine. If we were >talking millions of downloads, which I'm sure would suit DG just fine, then >I'd be upset. But as it is the man has to maintain a web site and all of >the other administrative things that go along with it. I can also see your >point. If you're not into downloading then there probably isn't a lot of >motivation to pay the price no matter what. Can't say I blame you. As a >huge fan of David's work since Toy Plane I guess I'm just a sucker. :-) > > (Now, here's hoping that Alan and David send me my fee for that. Just >kidding. I have no connection whatsoever... other than being a fan.) > _________________________________________________________________ Mortgage rates near historic lows. Refinance $200,000 loan for as low as $771/month*