Drew: I totally concur; I was trying to tell folks 3 weeks ago T&F was as strong as...or certainly a good complement to WIM. I might even go out on a limb and say it's a more consistent and cohesive sounding record than their last. Granted, the lyrical schtick wears thin sometimes, but there's no denying FOW's amazing craft for melody and arrangements. Now, the new Jason Flakner... Has anyone heard any snippets at all? This album is very well-kept secret. 10 days and counting... Also...I just found out that Superdrag has a new release of rarities, B-sides coming out in a few weeks. Get the scoop: www.sueprdrag.com Jeff > ------------------------------ > > Date: Sat, 7 Apr 2007 17:31:56 -0700 > From: "Drew MacDonald" > To: > Subject: FoW now > Message-ID: > > Oh, you guys! > > You had me going there over the last few weeks, what with all the foofrah > about "Traffic and Weather" not measuring up to previous efforts by my > favorite American band. > > Well, I finally got mine, I've listened half a dozen times, and it's just > plain great, as usual. Smart, catchy, fun, melancholic, etc. By what > yardstick is this not a contender for guitar-pop record of the year? Fie on > the haters! > > Drew, > watching out the window as two squirrels fight over a fig. I love SoCal.