I like it a lot. I wouldn't call it a pop classic, finding it to be neither classic nor pop. But I do think its quite good. And there isn't much song/hook/melody content. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Seaman, Dave" I picked up Sufjan Steven's Illinoise a few weeks back. I've given it a few listens and so far am underwhelmed. Good lyrics, nice concepts, nice instrumentation, but overall I'm not finding much in the "strong hook/melody" department that will be bringing me back to this one again and again - or at all... in fact, kinda boring to me, so far. Now that it's been out a while, does anyone else care to comment? Often, folks push the flava of the month, but time will tell what the classic disks are. So, Illinoise - flava of the month from a year or so ago, now forgotten? Or a pop classic?