You actually make perfect sense to me.I don't have this one yet ,but I do have a few older albums.And just hearing the song on Conan,I notice the difference.I heard some melancholy there .Am very interested in hearing the whole album. >From: kcronin >Reply-To: >To: >Subject: Re: Of Montreal/Conan >Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2007 12:29:29 -0700 (PDT) > >I've been enjoying the hell out of this disc - Hissing >Fauna Are You the Destroyer? It's like as Brian Eno >covering the Turtles and backed by Trans Am? No, >that's not quite right. Something. I never dug Of >Montreal before because I found them a little TOO >sprightly, in that elephant 6 way...I kind of slid >right off all that gloss. And I LIKE gloss. But then >as i understand it the songwriter guy went and got >himself dumped and that put just enough bitter, >disaffected-late-70s-coke-scenester vibe onto their >otherwise very cheery numbers to make it appealing. To >me. In a dissolute disco kind of way. > >I'm probably not selling this very well, but if the 12 >minutes of "The Past is A Grotesque Animal" doesn't >convince you, maybe nothing will. > >Cheers! >--kelly >--- _________________________________________________________________ Can’t afford to quit your job? – Earn your AS, BS, or MS degree online in 1 year.