Just came home from a truly amazing show here in Seattle. I'll be wearing the pain halo at work tomorrow, but it'll be worth it. A blistering 90-minute covering their whole career, as well as a swell cover of Little Red Book. Kind of staggering seeing them on a postage stamp stage in a hole in the wall with a couple hundred folks. I don't get how this band isn't huge; Tim Rogers is a bonafide rock star. They've got four more US shows dowwn the West Coast: Portland, SF, LA and San Diego. If you're within a couple hundred miles, do not pass go, do not collect $200, DO NOT MISS THIS SHOW. It's been a decade since they played here, and I'm not betting I'll have another chance to see them. --------------------------------- Never miss an email again! Yahoo! Toolbar alerts you the instant new Mail arrives. Check it out.