Has anyone heard the sophomore effort by the Singles yet? Check here: www.myspace.com/thesingles It is called Start Again and has a strong opener in I Want You Back Now which features a distinct bass riff you won't soon forget juxtaposed against a thundering drum beat.. Wandering back and forth between a merseybeat and the lost Pebbles sound while also straddling an 80s skinny tie aesthetic. It is a right corker and is sure to be a favorite of anyone who owns their previous effort. i heard some of these songs when they played live last June and they managed to capture that live feel in the Ghetto Recorders production done by Jim Diamond on this disc. I'm on second listen now and this just does not disappoint.. ryan -------------- Original message ---------------------- From: "Larry O Dean" > Ian Hunter has had some ebbs and flows, but overall he's done some great > work post-Mott. Robyn Hitchcock. But for both of them, I'd distance myself > from the -er prefix, qualifying that they've done consistently good work for > at least as long. > > Sam Smith writes: > > > Well, what a good day yesterday turned out to be, and thanks to all here > > who helped inform my decision to run my ass out to Albums on the Hill to > > pick up Don't Tell Columbus. It gets the coveted Slammin' Sammy Golden > > Thumbs-Up Seal of Approvalization©. > > > > It also got me to thinking about a question. Has there ever been an > > artist or band that was greater for longer than Parker? > > > > If anybody cares: http://www.livejournal.com/users/lullabypit/277143.html > >