So I found this beautiful record, then I see it is from the cdbaby label, so I go to investigate there, and I find a long description that makes me salivate. Here's a brief snippet: Amiel's bio lists XTC, the Beatles, Os Mutantes, Stereolab and Nick Drake as some of his favorite artists, so you might expect some kind of Brazilian-Swindonian-Beatlesque-electronic-folk hybrid, but that's not at all what this is. What it is, is an easy listening-sixties soft pop meeting-of-the-minds sporting a sometimes folky, electronic gloss. It's nothing less than the perfect soundtrack for a summer's day outing. Spot-on. I keep reading while I download the album, and guess who wrote the article... Alan Haber. Of course!!! Hi Alan, thanks for the recommendation! Oh, and emusic has two of their albums, yes! francesc