>And considering that I'm such a huge XTC nerd, it's odd that I only just >discovered that Andy Partridge has a new prog rock trio with former XTC >keyboardist Barry Andrews (back after 29 years!!!). The band is called >Monstrance and the album "drops" on Tuesday as well. Salon.com has a free >Mp3 on their Audiofile column page. (that may be for subscribers only >though). Amazon.com also has an exclusive video of Monstrance playing one >of their pieces. My first reaction is that, as a fan of Partridge's >excursions in instrumental music (the HomoSafari series and his work with >Harold Budd) I like it. But to the casual XTC fan (are there any?) it may >remind them of when Andy Summers strays too far from Sting. Except that >Partridge was always his own Sting. To each their own, but I'm a huge fan of Andy's work with XTC, and so far, I haven't even been able to get through the first disc. To my ears, it's just a bunch of freeform noodling. I'm sure the guys had a blast recording it, and it wouldn't surprise me a bit if it ends up being heralded as a work of genius, but after I finishing spinning it for review purposes - and, yeah, you can imagine how positive THAT'S gonna read - I can't imagine myself ever listening to it again. Best, WILL