Hello again from Dana & Carl and THIS IS ROCK 'N' ROLL RADIO, the self-proclaimed Best Three Hours Of Radio On The Whole Friggin' Planet. After a long delay which can only be described as...ah, skip it. The point is that our divorce from Syracuse Community Radio has finally gone through, and that we return to the web this very Sunday, March 25, with a live show from 9 to midnight Eastern at our new URL, www.westcottradio.org. The fact that we and the other former programmers at Syracuse Community Radio are able to resume webcasting at all can be credited directly to YOU, the loyal TIRnRR supporter. When we needed the kind of help that only money can buy, you folks stepped up in numbers too big to ignore, and we can't thank you enough. Though the web address has changed, everything else is pretty much the same as we ever was: Same cramped little studio! Same crappy equipment! Same witless banter between Dana & Carl! And, thankfully, the same commitment to playing one great record after another, and to somehow living up to our own addled, humilty-challenged hype. We'll also be adding a podcast in the near future, provided we can get a deal on some pods. For now, though, effective immediately, WE'RE BACK, starting this week, with the latest from RICHARD X. HEYMAN, THE GILLIGANS, ZOLI & THE FLYING MACHINE and, and...Lordy, I don't even know yet. Maybe something by THE LEONARDS, some ISLEY BROTHERS, some BAY CITY ROLLERS, NIKKI CORVETTE, NELSON BRAGG, THE ELECTRIC PRUNES, THE RAMONES...! Perhaps we'll even play a couple of subtle dedications to our former comrades at Syracuse Community Radio. Heh, heh. Whatever we do, it'll be more fun if you join us. So dial us up on the web this Sunday, from 9 to midnight Eastern at www.westcottradio.org, and find out why so many otherwise-rational people thought that this was radio worth saving. It's what rock 'n' roll radio sounds like, once again, on Sunday nights in Syracuse each week. (NOTE: this ain't no SPAM, so let us know if you need to be deleted from our weekly greetings. Those receiving this message via the Audities list can rest assured that this will be the last TIRnRR message to appear on Audities in the near future. Folks on Audities or My Space who wish to receive the weekly e-mail playlists should contact me directly. Cheers, CC!) ************************************** AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's free from AOL at http://www.aol.com.