Craig Leve wrote: And in case you want to check it out there are a couple of downloadable tracks at ...of course: The two tracks there are pretty good, and if they're indicative of the whole CD I need it. I was a bit apprehensive, though. I saw Mitch live a few months ago, and frankly he sounded like shizzle. I think the issue was two-fold, though. First, it was an outdoor street festival environment, so the acoustics were gonna suck period, and what little audio set-up there was was for Jeffrey Dean Foster, who was the headliner (this is the amazing rain storm show I wrote about some time back). The other thing is that Mitch could really use a fourth piece live. His voice is a little thin and reedy, his vocal phrasing accentuates this, and the overall dynamic would benefit from another guitar, maybe. Or maybe a bitchin' Hammond. But what do I know. In any case, thanks for the heads-up, Craig. I have a new one for the to-buy list..... -- _______________________ Sam Smith [TABLE NOT SHOWN]