DEFINITELY worth the purchase. Just picked it up, and not even the new FoW can knock it out of my player. (Actually, I've got mixed feelings about Traffic and Weather, but that's for another post.) Not sure what I expected from a Mitch Easter solo album in 2007, but it more than beat my expectations. If you loved him then -- or the db's or the Windbreakers or Velvet Crush or ... - you will LOVE this now. Sam Smith wrote: Craig Leve wrote: And in case you want to check it out there are a couple of downloadable tracks at ...of course: The two tracks there are pretty good, and if they're indicative of the whole CD I need it. I was a bit apprehensive, though. I saw Mitch live a few months ago, and frankly he sounded like shizzle. I think the issue was two-fold, though. First, it was an outdoor street festival environment, so the acoustics were gonna suck period, and what little audio set-up there was was for Jeffrey Dean Foster, who was the headliner (this is the amazing rain storm show I wrote about some time back). The other thing is that Mitch could really use a fourth piece live. His voice is a little thin and reedy, his vocal phrasing accentuates this, and the overall dynamic would benefit from another guitar, maybe. Or maybe a bitchin' Hammond. But what do I know. In any case, thanks for the heads-up, Craig. I have a new one for the to-buy list..... -- _______________________ Sam Smith [TABLE NOT SHOWN] --------------------------------- TV dinner still cooling? Check out "Tonight's Picks" on Yahoo! TV.