This doesn't necessarily fit the topic, but it does fit the subject line, and I've been wanting to mention this for awhile, anyway: I just finished putting together a major feature for Bullz-Eye entitled, "The Best Albums You've Never, Ever Heard (Well, Probably Not, Anyway)." (And, as it happens, "Neo-Wave" was a contender on my way-too-long list for inclusion.) I'll be posting the link when the feature itself goes live in the first week of April, because even setting aside the power pop inclusions like Cotton Mather's "Kon Tiki," The Argument's "Your New Favorite Band," and Jason Falkner's "Can You Still Feel?" there are lots of different genres represented. I'm really excited about it; we spotlight 30 albums, and in addition to each writer's brief discussion about the record itself, we also had each of the 30 artists answer a brief Q&A, so readers can get a feel both for the album AND for the artist, in case they're just learning of both for the first time. Okay, actually, there was one exception amongst the 30: one of our writers selected Jeffrey Lee Pierce's "Wildwood" (which I promptly downloaded from eMusic and have since fallen in love with myself)...and since Mr. Pierce is no longer with us, we ended up having a brief conversation with Cassell Webb, who associated produced the album. Anyway, I'm psyched for ya'll to check it out when it goes live... Best, WILL