At Date: Sun, 11 Mar 2007 11:57:46 Bill Holmes wrote: >It's an advance...comes out in May...and yes, I've heard there are going to >be some different editions. I hate this trend. The biggest reason labels are doing this, myself included, is that distributors are dumping product into territories where they don't really have legal rights to. So, if a label has sub-licensed an album in a specific territory, that sub-label wants exclusive content so that when another distributor elsewhere in the food chain dumps the domestic product into the sub-label's territory there's at least a fighting chance of selling the licensed album cause it's got bonus or different material on it. For example. I've released a CD with 15 songs in North America of one of my acts. I've also licensed the same album in Japan, Europe and Australia to three other labels because I can get a nice modest advance on sales from them. These labels want their investment protected because my distributor(s) in North America have wholesale clients they deal with who drop kick those discs, at cheaper costs, into the territories of the labels I just signed deals with. The labels in these territories want bonus material, alternate packaging, etc. to distinguish their release from the imports being thrown over the fence into the same retail outlets. Expect this trend to heat up and get worse. Avril Lavigne's management just cleverly had her sing her new song "Girlfriend" in eight different languages and these versions of the songs will only be available in the territories where these translations will make sense. That's EIGHT different versions of her new album. In this case, it was as a means to cater to the fanbase exclusively...including a version in Mandarin because Lavigne has cracked China's charts there as an import. Jaimie Vernon, Bullseye _________________________________________________________________ This March Break, Have An Outdoor Fun-For-All!!147