OK... so I got an advance of "Traffic and Weather" and have been scrutinizing it thoroughly the last few days. In short...fans of Welcome Interstate Managers won't be disappointed. Most songs touch on the usual pop culture suspects with a solid power pop backdrop. Songs like "92 Subaru" are offer more camp than metaphor... but overall this is the FOW we know and love! Like most of their previous stuff, every song tells a funny story...from folks at the baggage claim, the lady at the DMV counter, TV news anchors, etc. Like WIM touched on the trials jobs/careers....."Traffic & weather" definitely has a pervasive travel theme. Musically, the album is as slick as anything they've ever done. There are more flourishes to be found...such as horns and elec. piano on the Chicago-esque "Strapped For Cash". "92 Subaru" is this album's "Bright Future in Sales". Lead single "Someone to Love" borders on synth-laden disco pop and is almost too slick for its own good. Bright spots including the hypnotic pop of "Revolving Dora" and a brilliant track called "New Routine" which blends the best musical hook of the album to an engaging story of a relationship chain...all in the course of three-and-a-half minutes. There's even the usual token country-esque track ("Seatbacks & Traytables") At their worst, Fountains of Wayne are better than most. It's too early to tell for me if this album holds up as well as their rest, but it's certainly a contender for the top 10 of 2007. Jeff