It's so funny that Boz has come up on Audities this week. Last week I read the most glowing review of the rerelease of "Silk Degrees" on AMG. It was so well written and even though I had the album already...I was ready to hit the store to buy it again that's how much this writer got to me. He hit all the right notes when my friends discuss the timelessness of his music and that "Silk Degrees" album sounds awesome stacked next to today's music. Just a few months ago, I posted about having Doobie Brother John McPhee as a guest on my radio show. He was on for three wonderful hours and we discussed his various musical adventures and played so many great songs. Not only was he in Clover, Southern Pacific, The Doobie Brothers and the first Elvis Costello album - but he played on Boz Scaggs music too! You can hear his work on "We Were Always Sweethearts" and even those early tracks after Boz's stint with the Steve Miller Band demand that you turn up the volume. :=) Aloha, Michael McCartney KEAO FM / KONI FM / KPMW FM / KTOH FM Now Playing: "I've Woken Up" - Dave Stephens