Someone should mention this record here. A few of us on Audities are on a listserv dedicated to Todd Rundgren (indeed one of us is moderator, and two others of us are past mods.) We've all been gaga on that list lately about the Lost Album by Lewis Taylor. Taylor is a Brit soul singer who was supposed to be the second coming of Marvin Gaye, especially after his '96 debut. But then he turned in this record, which is very much not a Marvin Gaye record. And so they didn't put it out. In fact, what it sounds like, to me, is a solo record that Todd might have put out between, say, Faithful and Hermit. From the chord progressions to the searing guitar lines to the melodies to the vocal arrangements, it has a real Todd feel to it. I gather it never came out at the time but has just been released. I'm sure it isn't fair to Taylor to filter my appreciation of and commentary about this record through the Todd prism, but I can't help that I hear it that way, in large part because that is how it was presented to me. If it helps, parts of it also remind me of June and the Exit Wounds, and the Beach Boys... but I'm told that at a recent NYC gig, he asked during his encore, "Anybody out there into Todd?" and then encored with Everybody Goes to Heaven-King Kong Reggae. Hey, I'm just sayin'...