Funny you would mention that. I read an interesting revisionist review of Silk Degrees recently, and plan to get the remastered CD with bonus (live) cuts based on it. I owned it as well when I was a wee one, but sold it years ago during one of my many purges, when the Scaggs name on the LP's spine sent shivers down mine. Boz owns Slim's in San Francisco, and I used to see him there when I came to see other artists performing. He always seemed like an approachable and friendly fellow. I hear the one preceeding Silk Degrees -- Slow Dancer -- is also quite good, though much less slick. Seaman, Dave writes: > This is not the least bit power pop, but maybe falls into the category > of insanely great pop... or to be more specific, insanely great mid 70s > mainstream blue eyed soul pop... Last week I picked up "Silk Degrees" by > Boz Scaggs. I owned this LP when it first came out, and it was a fave > of mine for many years. But the last time I heard it was probably over > 15 years ago when my turntable broke down. I am now reminded that it is > a fabulous record - wall to wall hits or shoulda been hits, from What > Can I Say to Georgia to What Do You Want The Girl To Do to It's Over to > the big hits, Lowdown, Lido Shuffle, We're All Alone - and everything in > between. (It's so catchy and feel good and fun that it's hard to > believe that members of Toto were the core of his band, pre-Toto.) > > So does anyone recommend any other Boz records like this one? I have > his hits package but no other regular releases.