Mike wrote: > Yeah, I love Dexy's, and you're right about Soon/Plan B. However with me, Don't Stand Me Down is the album I return to time and again. I'll have to check that one out some time, but I'm still in love with "Too Rye Ay" (esp. Until I Believe In My Soul). Sam wrote: > So there's kind of an apples and oranges thing at work pun intended? ; - ) And Sam continued: > you really sort of suggest an important point here - the role of influence. Where would The Beatles have been without the influences of Elvis and Dylan to draw on? They clearly GOT Elvis' performative/charisma genius, and I can't imagine that they would have sought such a broad political relevance without Dylan's shadow looming over the entire decade. Part of what you've written is an interesting question that I personally don't recall hearing posed before. The Dylan influence is undeniable, but how much did Elvis influence The Beatles? I've never heard much of a direct connection myself, though it's obvious that both shared a love for the black R&B of the '50s (Elvis's contemporaries), since both covered many such songs. And perhaps it's difficult to say whether The Beatles were more influenced by Elvis, or by the black artists that Elvis was covering (copying?), but I tend to think it was more the latter. Be seeing you, Bill np: The Pink Spiders (these guys are fun & have some good songs!)