Michael vg wrote: > You might try these 2 groups on Yahoo > > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/leftbankism/ > http://launch.groups.yahoo.com/group/leftbanke/ Beware there was some crazed split several years ago the begat leftbankism from leftbank. As far as I know the core group only frequents leftbankism. There is a 2-cd Barock compilation floating around that list members put together 5-7 years ago that's pretty darn good. Les Fradkin (Edison Lighthouse & Beatlemania) knows alot about Barock in general and used to post quite a bit. Mark Frumento (involved in reissues for Rev-Olo & others) is another treasure trove of knowledge and posts there. You'll also find Michael Brown associates Tom Finn, Ian Lloyd and possibly still Richard Brand posting there. Jimmy McAllister of Beckies was a regular until he passed away a year ago. Disclaimer: I haven't read list posts in months. Another good source is the Rev-Ola list on Yahoo Groups, though onstensibly about the label, the knowledge base in the heads of list members is overwhelming. Two other Yahoo Groups are CherrySmash and Shindig-Magazine but too much "fuzz" for me - CherrySmash less of the 2. - michael