Live and let live?  Can't we credit music fans with sufficient intelligence to differentiate between two bands with the same name? Not to be a lawyer bitch here (especially since I'm not a lawyer and avoid them at all costs), but I've had a little opportunity to deal with questions of copyright infringement. You'll definitely want to consult a lawyer who knows about the international issues. But if I'm not mistaken, your claim to a name, brandmark, tag line, or other legal element requires you to defend those elements vigorously. I once worked for a company that others were constantly poaching on, and have been told by people a lot more familiar with it than me that if you don't defend your brand aggressively you can actually lose your rights to it. This raises the spectre of them suing YOU for the name. So there are valid legal issues at work. Be careful. -- _______________________ Sam Smith, PhD [TABLE NOT SHOWN]