--- In audities@yahoogroups.com, synthhtnys@... wrote: > > > As someone who spent time watching MTV than doing anything else > > during the height of this style of video, this is a keeper. > > I think they covered every cliche out there. > > > > michael vg > > > > > Flock of Seagulls hair (on the bass player)? check. > New Romantic frilly shirt? check. > Bad dance moves? check. > Subtly implied homoeroticism? check. > Use of checkerboard graphic? check. > Bad miming? check > Catchy hooks / bad production? check. > Guitar player miming keyboard parts? check. > > Yup, it's all there. This is the start of (and end of) the movie and I laughed myself silly too. My fav stretch in the movie. It got my comedic expecations high right off the bat. The song has also been STUCK in my head ever since. I should say this movie is worth a rent or a cheap ticket price. It has some moments that are funny. The music scenes are often worth it in a fun sort of way. Some joke work, more don't. Plot is contrived (HELLO....90% of HOLLYWOOD COMEDY)...but I've suffered through worse movies. If one goes, just go with low expectations and be happy when you laugh and/or tap your toes. And if you must, close your ears during pen clicking scenes. Steve D