Farrar: >great pop.' The reason I don't like her using samples and drum >machines is, really, I don't like samples and drum machines. I didn't >like it when Digital Underground sampled Parliament, and I don't like >it when Fifty Cent samples the Jackson Five. It sounds to me like >someone got lazy. That's my opinion. Ironically, Digital Underground used a lot of actual instruments playing original music too, especially on my all-time favorite rap album, SEX PACKETS. And docking points for sampling Parliament from a group so *openly* worshipful of P-Funk that they called their second album SONS OF THE P seems even more silly - there's lots of better targets for that criticism. I don't own the Lily Allen album yet, but after reading a BBC News online piece on her last summer, I was one of the millions playing her tunes from her MySpace page, and I enjoyed them thoroughly. later, Miles