Point taken about crafting an image. Difference is...Jagger and Strummer have talent and drive. I know, I know...too negative. Again, time will tell, but that girl doesn't have the discipline. She's a studio creation, (another Filter quote: During her Mediterranean party sojourn, Lily met her manager, who in turn introduced her to the production duo Future Cut.) which is odd because she's obviously trying to rebel against something (perhaps her tosser dad?) She even got pregnant! OOOH, she's so naughty and "street" bleh. I know, I know...difference of opinion. You (not Stewart specifically) won't convice me to like her, I won't convice you to not like her. a --- Stewart Mason wrote: > To my ear, it's more of a socio-cultural thing than > a musical thing: > all three singers are a good example of "mockney" ( > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mockney ), a kind of > deliberately > affected faux working-class accent that middle or > upper-middle class > folks put on. They're in good company: as that Wiki > article notes, > Mr. Michael Philip Jagger, formerly of the London > School of Economics, > was one of the first singers to do this, followed by > (not mentioned in > the article though I don't know why) the > Turkish-born diplomat's son > John Mellor, who carefully roughed up both his > accent and his bio to > become Joe Strummer. > > S > > Anna Borg AIM: cakeab TallBoy Records P.O. Box 27757 Los Angeles, CA 90027-0757 http://www.tallboyrecords.com http://www.myspace.com/anna23