> I'll concede ALL your points....except one. Simmons' bass playing. Sorry, > man...ANY musician who can puke blood, run in platform shoes and fly across > a stadium strung up by two piano wires and STILL play the groove to "God Of > Thunder" or "100,000 Years" is fucking brilliant. He could never remember > the words to his songs, but his bass playing was beyond reproach. Oh, and > most of the guitar parts in KISS songs were him and Stanley. Not Frehley. > > > Jaimie Vernon, > President, Bullseye Records > http://www.bullseyecanada.com Ah, ok, I'll concede right back at you then as I kind of based that on their using studio musicians on their first couple of albums... which always struck me as kind of weird considering there wasn't exactly any difficult passages anywhere in any KISS song I ever heard. Allow me to illuminate my extreme distaste for them with this: I worked in a warehouse during my college years with a group of (using the term loosely) men who played Kiss on a boombox Every. Single. Day. Now, I doubt if I could endure that kind of chinese water torture with a band I liked much less one I didn't. I have extremely wide taste and this was the worst punishment you could ever devise for me. That coupled with seeing too many interviews with: Paul (vacuous teenage girl) Stanley and Gene (Smarter, but ridiculously arrogant) Simmons just sends me into a sort of Kiss-Jihad-Turrets-seizure. Every time. (For the record I wasn't aiming any of my previous comments at anyone here specifically, just having fun by being the voice of dissent.) Don't get me started on Gwar or Twisted Sister.... ;-)