> So are you saying there's still a chance to make a Kiss fan out of you? > Nnnnnaaaaaaaahhhhhh. I'm saying Kiss music is basically a cruel loathsome, bug-eyed acrid smog of oppressively caustic oral effluvium and as a band they are wickedly insufferable narcissists and a loathsome, gossip-mongering tainted spawn of a syphilitic swamp hog and a depraved, coma-inducing mass of neuroses and complexes. Their concerts are an abominably offensive reprobate and a primitive, toe-sucking oppressive orgy of perversion. And at their best they are monstrously pedestrian reprobates and a depraved, disease-ridden offense to all of good taste. They are conspicuously execrable gluttons and debased, odiously suffocating depraved orgy of subhuman flatulece. ... and that's being nice about it.