Yeah, sorry -- I forgot to write ‘in my humble opinion’ at the end of my post. No offence to anyone's tastes in particular, but I gave up actually listening to the radio a long time ago, for various reasons. To me most things sound glossy for the sake of being glossy, or quirky for the sake of being quirky. (Or a teenager's diary. I was never a teenager. I went from twelve to forty overnight.) The Maroon 5 a friend of mine lent me is a good example of my reaction to a lot of mainstream music: I heard a few tunes and thought ‘This band has promise,’ but the lyrics weren't deep enough to hold my interest, and it sounded over-produced. I am probably in the minority there, but I think the reason there's a lot of music out there is because there are so many people with different tastes. I just happen to be out of the majority. (No surprise there; I was trained in classical piano and turned into a jazz trumpet player. :\) To me, a really good tune is one where I don't know exactly what it's about right away ... that way I can listen to it over and over to get the lyrics, and in the meantime the music hasn't worn thin on me. David Byrne comes to mind -- apparently someone Meechelle Norris hasn't listened to him, since she said that Allen's record was so incredibly different for having jaunty tunes and sad/angry lyrics. I should send M.N. a copy of ‘Uh Oh.’ But hey, the really great thing is I get recommendations for really good music here on the Audities e-mail list. :D Thus endeth my 2˘. Have a great weekend, everyone! Engage lurk mode... Farrar Hudkins ©1979-2007 Mark Eichelberger wrote: > I strongly disagree. I love Lily Allen's record. As both the > interviewer and Lily Allen pointed out, the lyrics are basically a > teenage girl's diary set to music. So the lyrics are simple, direct and > bitchy. Combine the lyrics with catchy, playful melodies on top of a > ska beat, and you have the makings of a fantastic pop record...which is > exactly what it is. Geez...I wish today's pop music was more like > Lily's and less like the stuff spewed out by American Idol and its ilk. > > My 2 cents anyway... > Mark E.