----- Original Message ----- From: "Jaimie Vernon" >>A instrumental thread isn't worth its salt without a dab of Percy >>Faith and Bert Kaempfert. I won't, however, recommend anything by >>Ronnie Aldrich and his Two Pianos. Not my cup of ivories. > > I now own nearly 60 Percy Faith albums...had to dig those album > covers too...pre-dates the risque-ness of the Tijuana Brass > (mmmm....whipped cream). For me, the guy to beat in this genre is Ray Conniff. Conniff was a master of one of my favorite sounds, the wordless vocal chorus. If, like me, your favorite part of a song like "Waterloo Sunset" is the la-la-las in the background, Conniff brought those front and center, on top of some gorgeously lush orchestral arrangements. (There's a German guy named Botho Lucas who did this sort of thing even better -- his version of "A Man and a Woman" is sublime -- but his records are really hard to find.) I've got a ton of Conniff, and sometimes get into moods where I barely listen to anything else. S