As some of you know I've been involved in recording semi power-pop stuff for 3 decades now. Anyway, my first new disc in 4 years now is out on Jim Huie's wonderful Paisley Pop label this week. It's called On A Ladder. I was helped out in a big way by Chris Stamey who played lead guitar on 2 songs and he also mixed and rearranged a third tune. All recording "artists" will tell you that their new product is their best ever and I really hesitate to do so, but I think it's a damned good piece of work. I play a lot of McGuinnesque 12 string guitar on this disc. Shortly all the major power pop distributors will have it available. In particular my old label Not Lame will offer it with a download of another complete album of almost all unreleased stuff including versions of Big Star, Beatles and Hollies tunes. You'll be able to listen to it online and decide if it's any good at all.. Hopefully some of you will like it OK. It's really almost a waste of time anymore to try to put something out. My next project is to do a reunion Windbreakers disc. This should happen sometime in the next year. After that I just don't know. I'll always make new music but there really seems to be no market for that at all. Love you all, Bobby Sutliff